Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Today I'm going to talk about stress! We all have it so don't deny it because you do. There are so many things these days we can get stressed about. For some people doing something different with their hair can be a very stressful experience. I'm not sure how it could be hair grows back and you can always change it, but it can be for several people. Now to learn how to cope with the stress of doing something different with your hair. Here are some tips:
1: find a hairdresser you feel very comfortable with. This helps with the stress part because if your unsure or unhappy you want to be able to talk to them. After all that is their job.
2: prepare yourself mentally, for instance if you want to cut your hair quite short trying pinning it back and up to that lenghth and wear it around the house. This will help you get use to the idea. Or find a picture of a haircut and cut it out and keep the picture where you can see it often to get use to the idea.
3: have fun changing it up! Relax!
        Now that I've talked about stress with hair I'm going to talk about stress in general. In todays world there are so many senerios for stress. Wheather it be financial, personal or work related. Stress is all around us its how we handle it that is important. I know a lot of times we forget that we don't have to go about it alone even though we think we do. We need to look to God for even our stressful times in life. We may think it is a very small thing to bring to God but it is not. He would want us to pray about everything with him. I sometimes forget to do that and remember he is always there for you. When you think no one else in your life could possibly understand what your going through. God will always know. We also need to remember he won't give you anything in your life more than you can handle. And we need to keep that in mind to help us through life's stressful times.

* " Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus". Phillipians 4:6,7.