Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why we have Christmas in the first place....

Do any of you have such a busy life there are times when you can't even see straight?.... Well that's my life every Holiday season better yet that's my life daily. lol. As a hairdresser we LOVE this time of year because of all the business of people coming in to get their hair all set for the Holiday season. The joy of having your business being so busy for the Holiday season is a wonderful feeling you never have to worry about a slow day, because you know it will be busy in some way because everyone wants to get their colors, perms, highlights, haircuts all these things done right before everyone comes over for Holiday meals. It also makes you feel good that you can do that for someone. That you have the ability to make that person feel good about themselves for that time being while their hair is getting done. A lot of people may not look at it like that but it is a good feeling it really is. I mean how many professions can you actually say you made that person's day by making them feel better about themselves because they got something new done to their hair. Not many right? I know for me that's the highlight of my day is when I get done someones hair and I know their confidence just boosted a little bit more that day because they like what they see. 
 As a family person the Holiday season can be down right stressful at times. Go there, Come here, you almost want to pull your hair out because its so busy. 
       We have to keep in m ind though even though our lives may become so incredible busy we've got to remember to be thankful that we have these life's to be busy with. I mean there are people in the Army that won't be home to see their family's for the Holiday season, there's people that have lost loved ones that won't be seeing them this year, the list goes on. I'm incredible thankful I have the busy life I do have because if I didn't something would be very wrong. lol. My family does not know how to sit still that is for sure.
        I think we all have to remember though why we even have Holidays such as Christmas. Now lets break down the word Christmas, its Christ...mas.... So when people say Merry X-mas. That's quite offensive to a lot of people that are Christians. We don't want to take Christ out of Christmas in no way shape or form. We wouldn't be celebrating Christmas if it wasn't for Christ. I mean he had to be born to even have Christmas as a Holiday right? So we should all ponder on that thought forget all the business this season brings us and all the stress of buying everyone under the sun a present. Our most special gift is Christ's birthday and why we even celebrate it in the first place. I hope everyone can step aside and remember what this season is all about and enjoy the time with family and not worry about buying the perfect gift, because in my book Christ was the perfect gift. 

*"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit". - Romans 15:12-13*

1 comment:

  1. I like keeping Christ in Christmas too! He is what it's all about each and every day!
