Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I'm sure a lot of us have had to wait for certain things in our lives. Such as, finding the perfect job, a place you wish to live and even who you'll spend your life with. I know for me waiting is not something I really like to do, patience is not a virtue I have at all. So to wait for something in my life it is a difficult thing to do. As humans we all live in a fast paste world where you really don't need to wait for anything it's right at your finger tips. 
     I know I have customers that do not want to wait for a certain time to have their hair done. They want it done right then and there and they do not want to be told they need to come back another time. That's when people should learn patience because you can't control when things get done you just need to go with the flow as some would say. And you know what? Sometimes waiting when the attention will be on you 100% is even better because you'll get a better service done.
     The one thing in life that we really do not need to be waiting for to be patient about is God's love for us. That comes instantly when we are all created. It's a given God is going to love you, so this is one love you'll never have to wait for. Waiting for things in our lives that God wants you to wait for is the most important ones to wait for. The time we do things to quickly and do them against God's will is when things don't turn out so well. Waiting for things God wants us to have is the most important blessing we could ever acquire
   There's a song by John Waller that when I am not in the waiting mode I listen to because it makes you put everything into perspective again and it makes you realize why you wait and while your waiting to always praise the Lord. 

 "While I'm waiting I will serve you, while I'm waiting I will worship, while I'm waiting I will not faint, I'll be running the race even while I wait". John Waller

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Battlefield....

I know I always said I'd be talking about hair in all my blogs but sometimes you can't just talk about on specific topic. Although I will through bits and pieces of it in this blog. lol. So I'm going to talk about Stress, Worrying, Anxiety. Yes including myself we all struggle with is, however we don't need to.
     First off lets see why we have stress; there's stress caused by family's,jobs,friends or even people we have to tolerate but wish not to. lol. So I struggle with this on a daily basis I do admit and it is a constant battle to not let it get the better of you. I mean I could see someone one day and they can either make my day ten times better or it can go the total opposite where I'd rather ripe their head off because they stress me out seeing them. 
       So this is what I try to do in those situations, first off I try to calm myself down and thank God for their presence in my life. And I do a lot of praying about the battlefield of our minds and how we need to train our thoughts. Not every person we come into contact with on a given day can make it a positive impact. No they can make it to the point you want to yell at that person. But we all know we need to tolerate certain people and certain situations. 
        One of the biggest things to do in situations like this in your life is to make it a habit to have time with God and tell him how we feel and make it a constant habit to try and think positively. Even when we don't want to it is best to because its when we don't that the Devil gets the foot hold he needs to impact our thinking and we don't want that to happen. So it is a battle to make sure that doesn't happen. Whenever I don't feel like I can handle it anymore I first go to the word and the one verse that has an impact on that part of my life is Matthew 6:25-34
 “So I tell you, don’t worry about the food or drink you need to live, or about the clothes you need for your body. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothes. 26 Look at the birds in the air. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. And you know that you are worth much more than the birds. 27 You cannot add any time to your life by worrying about it". 
       This verse helps me to just let go of all the worry in my life, and I continue to tell myself this verse on a regular basis. We shouldn't have to worry about the things of this life because our Heavenly Father takes care of those things for us. We just need to not let it get the best of us and to continue to move forward with our worry and not to be stuck in a state of worry which can easily happen. If you feel you are and you don't think your strong enough to endure it, well your Heavenly Father is so bring it to him. :-)

* I know I'm not Strong Enough to be everything I have to be I give up, I'm not Strong Enough hands of mercy won't you cover me Lord right now I'm asking you to be Strong Enough, Strong Enough, for the both of us". - Matthew West

We don't need to be Strong Enough when we have a Heavenly Father that's Strong Enough for the both of us. :-)