Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Letting Go.......

Some posts are easier than others. This one I'm going to talk about letting go of the past. If someone hurt you or let you down, rather it be a former boyfriend, family member and believe it or not a hairdresser. There are several people that can write off a hairdresser completely after one mistake they might of made. Which did you know: WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES!!!!! It could be an off day or it could just plain be YOUR hair, sometimes it just doesn't cooperate with us at all. 
        But we learn from these mistakes and we learn that letting go of your past is probably the most healthy thing you can do for yourself. You think holding on to that piece of that person or situation is really helping?? No its not. The bible specifically says to let go of the past. As it is stated in Isaiah 43:18 it states: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past". See it's written right down in the Bible for us to see yet we insist on dwelling on past things and not letting go. Why is that? Well for one we are all human and for some reason we as humans do not forget very easily. But if we keep praying to go to let our past go I am most certain as the time goes by we will eventually let those past things that bothered us, they will so leave us. I am most certain about that. There is a christian artist that I feel says it all, Francesca Battiselli wrote a song called "I'm letting go". And the lyrics go as such: "My heart beats, standing on the edge,But my feet have finally left the ledge
Like an acrobat,There's no turning back. I'm letting go,of the life I planned for me, And my dreamsI'm losing control of my destiny it feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe,So I'm letting go. This is a giant leap of faith,Trusting and trying to embrace,The fear of the unknown,Beyond my comfort zone.I'm letting go
Of the life I planned for me, And my dreams, I'm losing control,Of my destiny, It feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe, So I'm letting go, Giving in to your gravity, Knowing You are holding me, I'm not afraid
I'm letting go, Of the life I planned for me, And my dreams, I'm losing control, Of my destiny, It feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe, It feels like I'm falling and this is the life for me, And I'm letting go, Feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe, Feels like I'm falling and this is the life for me". This song says It all I believe. :-)

*Philippians 3:13-14 " Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus * NKJ Version