Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Changing more than just my style...

So I was told by a certain someone ANITA!! lol that I should write in my blog because this week will be the last time I will be signing my name as "Candace Finley" After Saturday it's going to be "Candace Cross". I have lived with my name as a Finley for 26yrs now and it's going to be a big change to not sign it as that. 
Change is always good although I a lot of times do not grasp change as well as most people because I'm comfortable with things the way they are. Ask Jeremiah when he proposed to me instead of saying "Yes I'd love to marry you" I replied with "Oh my gosh are you serious?" lol
       But to be honest I can't say I ever would be saying to people I'm getting married, because for a long time I didn't feel good enough to get married or that I'd ever find that special someone everyone talks about. I'd gag at the sight of lovely dovey couples they seriously disgusted me. But now I'm one of those people lol Because I have found the love of my life and I try everyday to show him in one way or another how much I love him.
       In a few short days I'm going to have a house of my own where my dog Ace and cat Mr. West will be our kids until God gives us kids(Which isn't right off). There is going to be a lot of changing going on with my living arrangements, how I spend my money, my free time everything will change. But in this circumstance change is a good thing! And I will embrace it full heart!! And can't wait for the next chapter in my life. My next blog I will no longer be a single person but a happy married person.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens". - Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV

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