Friday, March 23, 2012

Fixing Hair and Life....

It seriously amazes me after five years how much you can still learn in my profession. You learn everyday how to speak and treat people so they want to come back to you. You learn that there is no short cuts in doing hair color you take the long way or you end up taking an even longer way fixing it. Fixing hair is a lot like life in many ways. For one if you make a mistake and you just keep putting color over color to try and hind the problem you created, or even blow dry or style the hair a certain way so you can't notice you messed it up. Well in a lot of ways those are examples that follow along with life as well. You color to hide something, well in life you make excuses or go to church to hide that your really not living the way you should live. You see sin is in a lot of ways like hair color. The more you sin the more your covering it up your constantly hiding what you did with this color. There are only so many layers you can put on before it become noticeable. After so m,any layers you end up getting a band of a dark color normally in the middle of your head that becomes very noticeable after so many covers. This is like sin you can only cover up those sins so long before everyone starts to notice them and then you become more and more self conscious about them knowing people can see them. But just like sin, hair color can be fixed too. With hair color its that amazing thing called bleach it erases anything that was in there wrong and is causing hindrance with the hair and it removes it. With sin we have the Lord Jesus Christ for that. He has his own bleach and he removes any build up in your life that may have a band against you to see clearly as to what and how you should be living. Just like hair its so easy to fix that! Say this prayer and it will all be fixed so clearly "Lord forgive me for I have sinned". Most important prayer in your life you'll ever make. Don't let the build up you have in life continue, don't keep covering it up with material things to justify what your doing. Ask the Lord for forgiveness because non like color this prayer will only take a few seconds.

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