Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Faith Can Do....

I always write about hair and compare our walk with God with it, because for me it seems the easiest to compare it to. So today I'm going to talk about the faith we have in God and in our hairdressers. It seems so funny to me how people can say to a hairdresser " Just do what you think I trust you" but yet you can't utter those words to the most important person in this universe our Lord and Savior. I'm the first to admit I probably don't have as much Faith in the Lord as much as I should. However, it's what you do to try and improve it that makes you a better person. I have so many people come into my salon every day that have so much faith in my abilities to make them look better it sometimes scares me. I mean how much pressure is that?? I love trying to make someones hair look better than when they came in but you know sometimes it just can't be done. With all the chemicals people do to their hair these days its hard sometimes to make them look better when the hair should just be cut shorter. It boggles my mind though how some people can have so much Faith in a hairdresser of all things and not have any in our God that if we didn't have his hand in things we wouldn't be here at all to begin with. I know its hard to have Faith sometimes with all the negativity we have in this world I know that for sure, but I do know if you pray and put God as number one your Faith will only grow and make you a better person and Christian for the world to see. Just like a verse from the newsboys song called "Shine"  it states " Shine they'll wonder what you got and wish that they had that on the outside looking toward". People that aren't Christians and even some that are will notice there is something different about you and they will appreciate that. So try and grow your Faith in God it will help I keeping trying to grow my Faith and I hope my light shines through to everyone around me. 

" Because you have so little Faith. I tell you the truth, if you have Faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ' move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you".  Matthew 17:20 NIV

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