Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hair and Life Tell A Story...

As everyone knows spring is just around the corner and you know what that means?.... your right hair color changing time. Its so funny how people change their hair color like they change their outfits, they change it for the season. So for fall and winter everyone will come and get darker hair to go with the season. As for spring and summer everyone starts to feel a little bit brighter knowing we will start to feel more warm weather and more sunny days. So during spring and summer more people will color their hair a lighter color to go with their moods. Its a funny thing how a change in hair color almost 90% of the time shows the persons mood and how they feel. Did you ever notice when a person looses a loved one they almost always color their hair either very dark to show they're depressed or either very light to show they are going to try to be happy even though inside their breaking. Its so funny how a change in hair is a change in mood and you can almost read how someone is feeling with even the slightest bit of change in color. Its just like us in our everyday life you try to cover up what your feeling with a new haircut a new hair color, loss in weight or even a new wardrobe. But in all reality your still hurting. However, you don't have to hurt or cover yourself up with all these worldly things. God can fix how you feel with just one question to him. "Lord please forgive me I know that I've sinned". That is going to be the most important question a person can ever ask. The Lord helps you in more ways than ever he has with me.

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