Friday, April 20, 2012


     Today I'm going to talk about Motions,and how everyone goes through all these motions when changing things in their lives. Such as, Changing hair. Changing hair for some people can be quite an emotional process so they go through several motions during the process. I get several people in The Salon that want a change however they don't actually want one in the end. For some people cutting their hair for instance is a very emotional process. Hair can be like a comfort blanket to some people it's always been there and the thought of it not being there scares people. When in reality it is good to let go of something that has that big of a hold on you. It's not a healthy thing to keep your hair long just because it is a comfort thing. Having a fresh new look can make even the most depressed person feel good again, and that's an important thing to have. 
    It's the same with our spiritual walk, some people go through all these emotions in their walk with God yet they do not get anywhere with it. Especially with our spiritual walk if you do not allow yourself to go through the emotions your basically just like a rock sitting on the ground you show nothing unless someone comes over and picks you up. And that someone can be Jesus Christ if you allow him to. He looks down on all his children and if your one of those that do not follow him he's the one going through the motions. He'll go through Sadness, Anger, helplessness all these motions when you have not desire to search your motions and why your feeling them. You can really be in an agonizing state if your not following God and you know he's knocking on your door to let him in. You go through the kinds of motions that basically tell yourself "Oh, I'm fine I'm a good person I don't need God". When in reality you do!! That's the devil playing his game on you. You think you can live your life without God and to try and prove it to yourself you bring things into your life like Bad friends,bad relationships,bad jobs all these things. No worldly thing can fill the spot of God. So discover your motions toward God they're probably one of the stronger motions you may get. Remember you can run but you can't hide from God. 


"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

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