Monday, April 2, 2012


In today's world people seem to have so much trust in different things and in different people. For instance, do you know how many people trust their hairdressers? It really amazes me that people can put so much trust in their hairdressers and not even in the Lord our God. I mean think about it this is in the woman's view, you ask for a color you tell the hairdresser what you like and want and go with it. I mean how do you know that they are actually putting the correct color formula on your head? You could end up getting a darker color or even a lighter color and you trust them enough to let them do that? Because I know for me I NEVER put the exact color on someone's head that they ask me because 90% of the time they wouldn't of been happen. Because in many ways the hairdresser does know better as to what to do. But think about it one one hand your trusting your hairdresser and one the other hand your trusting God. Tell me which hand holds higher priorities? This can be an example for many things in your life think about it put God in one hand and put whatever you think you trust more in the other hand and ask your self is my God vs. hairdresser scenario really even out? To many they think it does but to others it may not. I've always struggled with making sure God holds a higher value towards everything else in my life. Sometimes when there are struggling times in someone's life it is very hard to trust anything let alone trust God but you have to always remember to put your trust in the Lord even when it's hard to. Sometimes you'd rather trust what the world has and can offer to you, but remember the world won't be here forever and neither will you. So the quicker you learn to trust the Lord and what he has planned for you the better your life will be. There's another song that comes to mind by Mercy Me called "Bring me the rain" and some of the lyrics state, "Bring me joy, bring me peace Bring the chance to be free Bring me anything that brings You glory, And I know there'll be days, When this life brings me pain, But if that's what it takes to praise You, Jesus, bring the rain. I am Yours regardless of, The dark clouds that may loom above, Because You are much greater than my pain, You who made a way for me, By suffering Your destiny, So tell me what's a little rain". How many people can actually trust God and say bring me a little rain? Basically saying I trust you to get me through these hardships but I will always lean on you. I hope that I am someone that thinks and feels that way and my only prayer is, is that everyone else feels that way too. 

*Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight". Proverbs 3:5*

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