Thursday, January 9, 2025

Letting Go.......

Some posts are easier than others. This one I'm going to talk about letting go of the past. If someone hurt you or let you down, rather it be a former boyfriend, family member and believe it or not a hairdresser. There are several people that can write off a hairdresser completely after one mistake they might of made. Which did you know: WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES!!!!! It could be an off day or it could just plain be YOUR hair, sometimes it just doesn't cooperate with us at all. 
        But we learn from these mistakes and we learn that letting go of your past is probably the most healthy thing you can do for yourself. You think holding on to that piece of that person or situation is really helping?? No its not. The bible specifically says to let go of the past. As it is stated in Isaiah 43:18 it states: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past". See it's written right down in the Bible for us to see yet we insist on dwelling on past things and not letting go. Why is that? Well for one we are all human and for some reason we as humans do not forget very easily. But if we keep praying to go to let our past go I am most certain as the time goes by we will eventually let those past things that bothered us, they will so leave us. I am most certain about that. There is a christian artist that I feel says it all, Francesca Battiselli wrote a song called "I'm letting go". And the lyrics go as such: "My heart beats, standing on the edge,But my feet have finally left the ledge
Like an acrobat,There's no turning back. I'm letting go,of the life I planned for me, And my dreamsI'm losing control of my destiny it feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe,So I'm letting go. This is a giant leap of faith,Trusting and trying to embrace,The fear of the unknown,Beyond my comfort zone.I'm letting go
Of the life I planned for me, And my dreams, I'm losing control,Of my destiny, It feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe, So I'm letting go, Giving in to your gravity, Knowing You are holding me, I'm not afraid
I'm letting go, Of the life I planned for me, And my dreams, I'm losing control, Of my destiny, It feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe, It feels like I'm falling and this is the life for me, And I'm letting go, Feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe, Feels like I'm falling and this is the life for me". This song says It all I believe. :-)

*Philippians 3:13-14 " Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus * NKJ Version

Hair is part of me get use to it. lol

my whole life revolves around hair rather it be at my job or just watching tv and checking out the new hairstyles everyone has. i love doing hair i own my own business and have been doing hair for five years now and love every minute of it. my  job is a very rewarding job although some people may think its not but be honest how many jobs are out there where you can fix someones hair up so nice and make them feel good about themselves again. not very many so i love that part of the job. talking about hair is my passion it reminds me of how the bible says he knows how many strands of hair are on your head. that part of the job i dont know. lol. only god knows how many strands are in your head so everyone has different jobs and likes they have but only one god knows what those are. and im proud to say the lord has helped me all the way along in my career. so if anyone has any questions about hair or even my religion and faith im an open book. enjoy

Doesn't Make it REAL......

So.... If you buy, let’s say a Xanax over the counter does that make it real? Does it work the same without a doctor's prescription? Will it have the same side effects? Does it have all the same benefits? 

          OR...  are they diluted? As in not as affected or isn't guaranteed since it is not from the actual doctor? So let me ask you this! Will you buy it for yourself and use it? Will you use it and expect to get the same results as you would if you had a prescription from a Doctor?
          How many said No? How many said Yes? How many said why am I answering this question? lol
          Ok, so this is why I am asking you this. I promise there is a reason and I need to vent a bit is why I am asking this!
So... If you buy hair color from Wal-Mart for $6.99 does that make it "Professional" I mean the box says Loriel professional haircolor so it has to be right? Or Sally’s Beauty Supply Store wouldn’t sell it to us if it wasn’t real would they?  AANNTTT!!!!! WRONG!!!
            First off, Sally’s Beauty Supply is a STORE it is NOT a Salon if it was a Salon you would go in and have someone do that service for you. Not go in and buy the product for the type of service you are looking for.
            Second just because you “Spent a lot” on the products from Sally’s does not mean a Salon will use the products you bought. Just like in a doctor’s office or Pharmacy it is not guaranteed when it does not come directly from that business. So no I will NOT use the color you just spent $30 on how do I know when this stuff was bought. (Sorry can’t believe everyone) lol

            So in conclusion, DO NOT expect your local Salon to use the products you bought we do not know how old they are or when they were bought. Or, what the outcome will be even we just will not take those chances. We want you to love your hair not hate it because we used your products and do not have a guarantee on them.

My Gram

It's been awhile since I wrote.... well anything really. I have an extremely busy life with two beautiful girls Clara & Juliet. I have an amazing husband and successful business. I feel my life is perfect my husband says no its really great but not perfect. Well to me it is. I have everything I've ever dreamed of. 
        Now even with this perfect life there are some terrible things that happen my gram that has been my rock my entire life aside from my parents is no longer with us. 
        I was pregnant with Juliet when my gram went to meet her Lord and Savior. I was sad yes but rejoiced that she no longer had pain. I was dealing so well with the loss of her until I used the Bobbi pillow and said "I got this so Gram could hold Juliet". The little things creep up in any given moment. 
      I will always hold my memories of my gram close to my heart my mom gifted me with one of her rings and for now 8 am using it as my wedding band so I feel even.  closer to her now more than ever. 
         I will see her gain someday. :-) 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Changing more than just my style...

So I was told by a certain someone ANITA!! lol that I should write in my blog because this week will be the last time I will be signing my name as "Candace Finley" After Saturday it's going to be "Candace Cross". I have lived with my name as a Finley for 26yrs now and it's going to be a big change to not sign it as that. 
Change is always good although I a lot of times do not grasp change as well as most people because I'm comfortable with things the way they are. Ask Jeremiah when he proposed to me instead of saying "Yes I'd love to marry you" I replied with "Oh my gosh are you serious?" lol
       But to be honest I can't say I ever would be saying to people I'm getting married, because for a long time I didn't feel good enough to get married or that I'd ever find that special someone everyone talks about. I'd gag at the sight of lovely dovey couples they seriously disgusted me. But now I'm one of those people lol Because I have found the love of my life and I try everyday to show him in one way or another how much I love him.
       In a few short days I'm going to have a house of my own where my dog Ace and cat Mr. West will be our kids until God gives us kids(Which isn't right off). There is going to be a lot of changing going on with my living arrangements, how I spend my money, my free time everything will change. But in this circumstance change is a good thing! And I will embrace it full heart!! And can't wait for the next chapter in my life. My next blog I will no longer be a single person but a happy married person.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens". - Ecclesiastes 3:1, NIV

Friday, February 7, 2014


So I've been told by a certain someone I haven't written in awhile so I guess I should express some of my thoughts now. LOL. So I thought I'd talk about LOVE yes LOVE I mean it is Valentines Day next week and all.
         I know all you couples out there will be all gitty on this day and all you single people will be all like "Why did this day have to even come". LOL I use to be in that boat TRUST ME but not this year I have a great guy I not only get to spend a special day with but I get to spend a lot of other time with him as well. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me. 
    Ok enough about me, so for those of you that hate this Holiday for various reason rather it be you single and you don't have a special someone in your life or you've been hurt on this day or any other reason as to why you might hate this day. I want to brighten your thoughts about this day. 
        So in the Bible the most talked about thing that is ever mentioned in the bible is LOVE, yes that's correct it is LOVE. Love your Neighbor, Love the Lord your God, Love your Enemy and the list goes on. So lets say you don't have a special someone to spend the day with and you feel depressed every Valentines Day or you hate the day for other reason well this might make you feel better. God LOVES YOU! 
   Yes you in all your imperfections,quirks and habits he LOVES you! And even though you may not like Valentines Day as a Whole you can still have a peace of mind that there is someone who LOVES you even more than you can even fathom. And that should make you feel even better because God will LOVE you even more than your parents LOVE you. 
      Take a minute and think about how much your parents,friends or loved ones LOVE you now times that but 1,000 that doesn't even come close to the amount that God LOVES you but it's pretty darn close. 
      This day can be pretty awful for a,lot of reasons but I hope everyone can see that God LOVES you and for that you should feel great!

**Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away". - 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8*

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I'm sure a lot of us have had to wait for certain things in our lives. Such as, finding the perfect job, a place you wish to live and even who you'll spend your life with. I know for me waiting is not something I really like to do, patience is not a virtue I have at all. So to wait for something in my life it is a difficult thing to do. As humans we all live in a fast paste world where you really don't need to wait for anything it's right at your finger tips. 
     I know I have customers that do not want to wait for a certain time to have their hair done. They want it done right then and there and they do not want to be told they need to come back another time. That's when people should learn patience because you can't control when things get done you just need to go with the flow as some would say. And you know what? Sometimes waiting when the attention will be on you 100% is even better because you'll get a better service done.
     The one thing in life that we really do not need to be waiting for to be patient about is God's love for us. That comes instantly when we are all created. It's a given God is going to love you, so this is one love you'll never have to wait for. Waiting for things in our lives that God wants you to wait for is the most important ones to wait for. The time we do things to quickly and do them against God's will is when things don't turn out so well. Waiting for things God wants us to have is the most important blessing we could ever acquire
   There's a song by John Waller that when I am not in the waiting mode I listen to because it makes you put everything into perspective again and it makes you realize why you wait and while your waiting to always praise the Lord. 

 "While I'm waiting I will serve you, while I'm waiting I will worship, while I'm waiting I will not faint, I'll be running the race even while I wait". John Waller