Saturday, December 15, 2012

Why we have Christmas in the first place....

Do any of you have such a busy life there are times when you can't even see straight?.... Well that's my life every Holiday season better yet that's my life daily. lol. As a hairdresser we LOVE this time of year because of all the business of people coming in to get their hair all set for the Holiday season. The joy of having your business being so busy for the Holiday season is a wonderful feeling you never have to worry about a slow day, because you know it will be busy in some way because everyone wants to get their colors, perms, highlights, haircuts all these things done right before everyone comes over for Holiday meals. It also makes you feel good that you can do that for someone. That you have the ability to make that person feel good about themselves for that time being while their hair is getting done. A lot of people may not look at it like that but it is a good feeling it really is. I mean how many professions can you actually say you made that person's day by making them feel better about themselves because they got something new done to their hair. Not many right? I know for me that's the highlight of my day is when I get done someones hair and I know their confidence just boosted a little bit more that day because they like what they see. 
 As a family person the Holiday season can be down right stressful at times. Go there, Come here, you almost want to pull your hair out because its so busy. 
       We have to keep in m ind though even though our lives may become so incredible busy we've got to remember to be thankful that we have these life's to be busy with. I mean there are people in the Army that won't be home to see their family's for the Holiday season, there's people that have lost loved ones that won't be seeing them this year, the list goes on. I'm incredible thankful I have the busy life I do have because if I didn't something would be very wrong. lol. My family does not know how to sit still that is for sure.
        I think we all have to remember though why we even have Holidays such as Christmas. Now lets break down the word Christmas, its Christ...mas.... So when people say Merry X-mas. That's quite offensive to a lot of people that are Christians. We don't want to take Christ out of Christmas in no way shape or form. We wouldn't be celebrating Christmas if it wasn't for Christ. I mean he had to be born to even have Christmas as a Holiday right? So we should all ponder on that thought forget all the business this season brings us and all the stress of buying everyone under the sun a present. Our most special gift is Christ's birthday and why we even celebrate it in the first place. I hope everyone can step aside and remember what this season is all about and enjoy the time with family and not worry about buying the perfect gift, because in my book Christ was the perfect gift. 

*"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit". - Romans 15:12-13*

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Letting Go.......

Some posts are easier than others. This one I'm going to talk about letting go of the past. If someone hurt you or let you down, rather it be a former boyfriend, family member and believe it or not a hairdresser. There are several people that can write off a hairdresser completely after one mistake they might of made. Which did you know: WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES!!!!! It could be an off day or it could just plain be YOUR hair, sometimes it just doesn't cooperate with us at all. 
        But we learn from these mistakes and we learn that letting go of your past is probably the most healthy thing you can do for yourself. You think holding on to that piece of that person or situation is really helping?? No its not. The bible specifically says to let go of the past. As it is stated in Isaiah 43:18 it states: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past". See it's written right down in the Bible for us to see yet we insist on dwelling on past things and not letting go. Why is that? Well for one we are all human and for some reason we as humans do not forget very easily. But if we keep praying to go to let our past go I am most certain as the time goes by we will eventually let those past things that bothered us, they will so leave us. I am most certain about that. There is a christian artist that I feel says it all, Francesca Battiselli wrote a song called "I'm letting go". And the lyrics go as such: "My heart beats, standing on the edge,But my feet have finally left the ledge
Like an acrobat,There's no turning back. I'm letting go,of the life I planned for me, And my dreamsI'm losing control of my destiny it feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe,So I'm letting go. This is a giant leap of faith,Trusting and trying to embrace,The fear of the unknown,Beyond my comfort zone.I'm letting go
Of the life I planned for me, And my dreams, I'm losing control,Of my destiny, It feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe, So I'm letting go, Giving in to your gravity, Knowing You are holding me, I'm not afraid
I'm letting go, Of the life I planned for me, And my dreams, I'm losing control, Of my destiny, It feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe, It feels like I'm falling and this is the life for me, And I'm letting go, Feels like I'm falling and that's what it's like to believe, Feels like I'm falling and this is the life for me". This song says It all I believe. :-)

*Philippians 3:13-14 " Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus * NKJ Version

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I'm going to write about something completly different from all my other blogs. I'm not going to write about hair I am however going to write about life. And forgiveness in life. Forgiveness is one of the hardest things to do in life. People have hurt others feelings so bad at times and you don't even know how to forgive them. The thing is if you don't forgive them you will live your life with that regret about not forgiving that person. I mean think about it do you actually want to give that person/persons the satifaction of you not forgiving them. Its not hurting them, its hurting YOU!!! Yes, YOU!!! It does more harm than good to hold on to that kind of hate towards a person. "But I don't hate that person I just don't forgive them". Its the same thing!! You holding onto that unforgiveness is basically saying you HATE that person. And God does not like that. God forgave all of us publicly I mean that's the best forgiveness one person could give to another. And we can't go up to a person and say sorry?? Well if we can't that's the devil working aganist us. So let's look at some scripture on forgiveness.
  Ok the first verse is Matthew 6:14-15 " for if you forgive other people when they sin aganist you, your heavenly father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins". Now this verse is pretty clear! But why is it so hard for people to concept? When its written in black and white. We need to learn to forgive it not only helps you and that person but it also make God happy. Jesus also says in Matthew 18:21-22 " Lord how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins aganist me? Up to seven times?" Jesus answered "I tell you not seven times but seventy seven times". Jesus is telling us to forgive the person who has offended us or that has crossed us as many times as it takes up to seventy seven times. I know forgiveness is a hard thing to do but its something we have to do. So if we just pray daily and look to God we will be able to forgive the person that's crossed us.

* "If we confess our sins,he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness". 1 John 1:9

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Today I'm going to talk about stress! We all have it so don't deny it because you do. There are so many things these days we can get stressed about. For some people doing something different with their hair can be a very stressful experience. I'm not sure how it could be hair grows back and you can always change it, but it can be for several people. Now to learn how to cope with the stress of doing something different with your hair. Here are some tips:
1: find a hairdresser you feel very comfortable with. This helps with the stress part because if your unsure or unhappy you want to be able to talk to them. After all that is their job.
2: prepare yourself mentally, for instance if you want to cut your hair quite short trying pinning it back and up to that lenghth and wear it around the house. This will help you get use to the idea. Or find a picture of a haircut and cut it out and keep the picture where you can see it often to get use to the idea.
3: have fun changing it up! Relax!
        Now that I've talked about stress with hair I'm going to talk about stress in general. In todays world there are so many senerios for stress. Wheather it be financial, personal or work related. Stress is all around us its how we handle it that is important. I know a lot of times we forget that we don't have to go about it alone even though we think we do. We need to look to God for even our stressful times in life. We may think it is a very small thing to bring to God but it is not. He would want us to pray about everything with him. I sometimes forget to do that and remember he is always there for you. When you think no one else in your life could possibly understand what your going through. God will always know. We also need to remember he won't give you anything in your life more than you can handle. And we need to keep that in mind to help us through life's stressful times.

* " Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus". Phillipians 4:6,7.  

Friday, April 20, 2012


     Today I'm going to talk about Motions,and how everyone goes through all these motions when changing things in their lives. Such as, Changing hair. Changing hair for some people can be quite an emotional process so they go through several motions during the process. I get several people in The Salon that want a change however they don't actually want one in the end. For some people cutting their hair for instance is a very emotional process. Hair can be like a comfort blanket to some people it's always been there and the thought of it not being there scares people. When in reality it is good to let go of something that has that big of a hold on you. It's not a healthy thing to keep your hair long just because it is a comfort thing. Having a fresh new look can make even the most depressed person feel good again, and that's an important thing to have. 
    It's the same with our spiritual walk, some people go through all these emotions in their walk with God yet they do not get anywhere with it. Especially with our spiritual walk if you do not allow yourself to go through the emotions your basically just like a rock sitting on the ground you show nothing unless someone comes over and picks you up. And that someone can be Jesus Christ if you allow him to. He looks down on all his children and if your one of those that do not follow him he's the one going through the motions. He'll go through Sadness, Anger, helplessness all these motions when you have not desire to search your motions and why your feeling them. You can really be in an agonizing state if your not following God and you know he's knocking on your door to let him in. You go through the kinds of motions that basically tell yourself "Oh, I'm fine I'm a good person I don't need God". When in reality you do!! That's the devil playing his game on you. You think you can live your life without God and to try and prove it to yourself you bring things into your life like Bad friends,bad relationships,bad jobs all these things. No worldly thing can fill the spot of God. So discover your motions toward God they're probably one of the stronger motions you may get. Remember you can run but you can't hide from God. 


"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Comfort and Contentment...

This topic I feel can suit everyone not only in our daily lives but in our spiritual lives as well. I'm going to talk about comfort and contentment with life, spiritual life, and not changing our hair. OK, first off I get several people that come into my salon that say they want something new. However, when they start describing to me what they want its exactly what they already have, the only difference is that it may be shorter. To a hairdresser that can be the most frustrating thing to deal with because I don't know about other hairdressers but I look at someone and am like "BAM" your hair would look awesome with this color or this cut. Hairdressers are very artsy people and we like to emphasise that in our work. Some people their hair is like their comfort blanket and they do not wish to change it, even if it would benefit the person and make them look better. The same goes for our every day life. I find I see so many people going back to a relationship that never worked in the first place but yet they still keep trying to make it work. The only reason these people keep doing this is because they are comfortable with the relationship it's not like they actually love the person. It's a sad thing when people are not content with themselves to be alone that they have to have a significant other in their life to make them happy. Now I'm going to talk about not wanting to change our spirutal life. I see so many people that have gone to the same church since birth basically and they obviously are not happy with it. Yet they still attend it! So many people do not realize especially with your spiritual life that if your church isn't allowing you to grow spiritually it is not good. There comes a time when you need to change. I for one hate change I hate the idea of going to a church my family does not or even hate the idea of not having certain people with you everyday. You know change can not always be good but yet it can also be really good and help you grow closer to the people you have in your life, and grow closer to God as well which is the best change of them all. The one kind a change I would recommend for anyone would not be your hair or your life but your spiritual life. Your life becomes more content when you have God as a number one in your everyday life. He can make things so much better, it reminds me of a song by Matthew West called "You know where to find me". The lyrics go as such: "If you ever need me you know where to find me I will be waiting where I've always been, if you ever need me you know where to find me I have never left you I have been where I've always been right by your side". I feel this song has helped me in so many ways. When you feel no one understands what your going through and no ones there for you. There is always one person that is ALWAYS there for you and that person is God. God puts songs like this in our life to help us through hard times to feel comfort in them. I hope everyone has a song or verse that helps them in life.

* " Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have".* Philippians 2:14*

Monday, April 2, 2012


In today's world people seem to have so much trust in different things and in different people. For instance, do you know how many people trust their hairdressers? It really amazes me that people can put so much trust in their hairdressers and not even in the Lord our God. I mean think about it this is in the woman's view, you ask for a color you tell the hairdresser what you like and want and go with it. I mean how do you know that they are actually putting the correct color formula on your head? You could end up getting a darker color or even a lighter color and you trust them enough to let them do that? Because I know for me I NEVER put the exact color on someone's head that they ask me because 90% of the time they wouldn't of been happen. Because in many ways the hairdresser does know better as to what to do. But think about it one one hand your trusting your hairdresser and one the other hand your trusting God. Tell me which hand holds higher priorities? This can be an example for many things in your life think about it put God in one hand and put whatever you think you trust more in the other hand and ask your self is my God vs. hairdresser scenario really even out? To many they think it does but to others it may not. I've always struggled with making sure God holds a higher value towards everything else in my life. Sometimes when there are struggling times in someone's life it is very hard to trust anything let alone trust God but you have to always remember to put your trust in the Lord even when it's hard to. Sometimes you'd rather trust what the world has and can offer to you, but remember the world won't be here forever and neither will you. So the quicker you learn to trust the Lord and what he has planned for you the better your life will be. There's another song that comes to mind by Mercy Me called "Bring me the rain" and some of the lyrics state, "Bring me joy, bring me peace Bring the chance to be free Bring me anything that brings You glory, And I know there'll be days, When this life brings me pain, But if that's what it takes to praise You, Jesus, bring the rain. I am Yours regardless of, The dark clouds that may loom above, Because You are much greater than my pain, You who made a way for me, By suffering Your destiny, So tell me what's a little rain". How many people can actually trust God and say bring me a little rain? Basically saying I trust you to get me through these hardships but I will always lean on you. I hope that I am someone that thinks and feels that way and my only prayer is, is that everyone else feels that way too. 

*Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understandings; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight". Proverbs 3:5*

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

What Faith Can Do....

I always write about hair and compare our walk with God with it, because for me it seems the easiest to compare it to. So today I'm going to talk about the faith we have in God and in our hairdressers. It seems so funny to me how people can say to a hairdresser " Just do what you think I trust you" but yet you can't utter those words to the most important person in this universe our Lord and Savior. I'm the first to admit I probably don't have as much Faith in the Lord as much as I should. However, it's what you do to try and improve it that makes you a better person. I have so many people come into my salon every day that have so much faith in my abilities to make them look better it sometimes scares me. I mean how much pressure is that?? I love trying to make someones hair look better than when they came in but you know sometimes it just can't be done. With all the chemicals people do to their hair these days its hard sometimes to make them look better when the hair should just be cut shorter. It boggles my mind though how some people can have so much Faith in a hairdresser of all things and not have any in our God that if we didn't have his hand in things we wouldn't be here at all to begin with. I know its hard to have Faith sometimes with all the negativity we have in this world I know that for sure, but I do know if you pray and put God as number one your Faith will only grow and make you a better person and Christian for the world to see. Just like a verse from the newsboys song called "Shine"  it states " Shine they'll wonder what you got and wish that they had that on the outside looking toward". People that aren't Christians and even some that are will notice there is something different about you and they will appreciate that. So try and grow your Faith in God it will help I keeping trying to grow my Faith and I hope my light shines through to everyone around me. 

" Because you have so little Faith. I tell you the truth, if you have Faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ' move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you".  Matthew 17:20 NIV

Friday, March 23, 2012

Fixing Hair and Life....

It seriously amazes me after five years how much you can still learn in my profession. You learn everyday how to speak and treat people so they want to come back to you. You learn that there is no short cuts in doing hair color you take the long way or you end up taking an even longer way fixing it. Fixing hair is a lot like life in many ways. For one if you make a mistake and you just keep putting color over color to try and hind the problem you created, or even blow dry or style the hair a certain way so you can't notice you messed it up. Well in a lot of ways those are examples that follow along with life as well. You color to hide something, well in life you make excuses or go to church to hide that your really not living the way you should live. You see sin is in a lot of ways like hair color. The more you sin the more your covering it up your constantly hiding what you did with this color. There are only so many layers you can put on before it become noticeable. After so m,any layers you end up getting a band of a dark color normally in the middle of your head that becomes very noticeable after so many covers. This is like sin you can only cover up those sins so long before everyone starts to notice them and then you become more and more self conscious about them knowing people can see them. But just like sin, hair color can be fixed too. With hair color its that amazing thing called bleach it erases anything that was in there wrong and is causing hindrance with the hair and it removes it. With sin we have the Lord Jesus Christ for that. He has his own bleach and he removes any build up in your life that may have a band against you to see clearly as to what and how you should be living. Just like hair its so easy to fix that! Say this prayer and it will all be fixed so clearly "Lord forgive me for I have sinned". Most important prayer in your life you'll ever make. Don't let the build up you have in life continue, don't keep covering it up with material things to justify what your doing. Ask the Lord for forgiveness because non like color this prayer will only take a few seconds.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hair and Life Tell A Story...

As everyone knows spring is just around the corner and you know what that means?.... your right hair color changing time. Its so funny how people change their hair color like they change their outfits, they change it for the season. So for fall and winter everyone will come and get darker hair to go with the season. As for spring and summer everyone starts to feel a little bit brighter knowing we will start to feel more warm weather and more sunny days. So during spring and summer more people will color their hair a lighter color to go with their moods. Its a funny thing how a change in hair color almost 90% of the time shows the persons mood and how they feel. Did you ever notice when a person looses a loved one they almost always color their hair either very dark to show they're depressed or either very light to show they are going to try to be happy even though inside their breaking. Its so funny how a change in hair is a change in mood and you can almost read how someone is feeling with even the slightest bit of change in color. Its just like us in our everyday life you try to cover up what your feeling with a new haircut a new hair color, loss in weight or even a new wardrobe. But in all reality your still hurting. However, you don't have to hurt or cover yourself up with all these worldly things. God can fix how you feel with just one question to him. "Lord please forgive me I know that I've sinned". That is going to be the most important question a person can ever ask. The Lord helps you in more ways than ever he has with me.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Hair is part of me get use to it. lol

my whole life revolves around hair rather it be at my job or just watching tv and checking out the new hairstyles everyone has. i love doing hair i own my own business and have been doing hair for five years now and love every minute of it. my  job is a very rewarding job although some people may think its not but be honest how many jobs are out there where you can fix someones hair up so nice and make them feel good about themselves again. not very many so i love that part of the job. talking about hair is my passion it reminds me of how the bible says he knows how many strands of hair are on your head. that part of the job i dont know. lol. only god knows how many strands are in your head so everyone has different jobs and likes they have but only one god knows what those are. and im proud to say the lord has helped me all the way along in my career. so if anyone has any questions about hair or even my religion and faith im an open book. enjoy